Act 1

Midnight Productions



So it begins...

The wind blew cold and harsh through the streets of Paris. Not a soul was out on this dark night. The Opera Populaire towered above the buildings around it and Apollo's Lyre reached for the Heavens, an intimidating sight if anyone had seen it. The inside of the theatre was just as desolate as the streets outside. And just as dark and cold and lonely.
An old man living in a nearby house suddenly looked up and ran to the window. A frightful wail echoed through the small abode, a wail of someone in pain. The man looked worriedly out of the glass and upon seeing no one, he shut the blinds and hurried to put more wood on the fire. The wail was heard again, louder this time. The old man shuddered and convinced himself that it was only the wind. Won't anyone come?

I am not sure what possessed me to walk the streets of Paris on this night. I walked out of the small flat Raoul and I had. We would get a larger one when we married. I just told him I had to go for a walk. That I would be back soon. He left out saying that he loved me. For some reason I had noticed that. I'm not sure why. Paris was so beautiful at night. The lights, and in the distance, I could see the beginning of a structure being built. Some said it would be the tallest structure in the world. I think they said it would be called La Tour Eiffel. I was anxious to see what the end product would be. I walked further and further into Paris and saw the Paris Opera House. I stopped in front of it. After all this time I was still captivated by it. It was so beautiful at night. Apollo's Lyre shined in the moonlight.
This was where my dreams were based. I had everything I could have wanted there. A career, a few choice friends, and then there was Erik. I flashed back to that tragic evening. Even after all of it was over, I still wondered what had become of him. Was he dead as everyone said? I had hoped not. Erik was too smart for that. I knew I still loved him, but there was a hesitation I felt on the subject. I often wondered what life would have been like if I had not been so stupid and chosen Raoul. I wanted so badly to go in and visit some of the old memories I had. I did want to see Erik, I wondered often how he was. But I hesitated. I don't know why.

"Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said good-bye. Remember me once in a while- please promise me you'll try..."
The strains of a long since gone song echoed through the Paris Opera House, haunting every nook and cranny of the building. Escape from it was useless.
"We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea- but if you can still remember, stop and think of me..."
The ghost song plagued the ears of its sole audience- the creature of darkness: the Phantom of the Opera.
"Think of me, think of me waking silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind..."
Death seemed the only way of freedom from the singerless song. Yet death was as nearly as impossible as life outside the Opera. The song stopped momentarily. For a brief moment there was blessed peace. Then it began again, this time the song was different.
"You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night..."
NOOO! The song was dead! When she was close, the song lived and had a pulse. Then she far away it was weak. But it had died when she left!
christine. Christine. CHRISTINE!
The name pierced the walls of the Opera and the night wind bore it toward anyone who might hear and take pity.

I stood undecided in front of the Opera on the staircase. There was unusually light traffic going in and out. I wanted to go into the Opera, leave Raoul behind. But would Erik accept me? After what I had done? I couldn't be sure. I did love him, I knew that now but I had made my selfish choice and gone with Raoul. I felt so stupid for doing that. Dear lord, he must think we are married now. But that is definitely not the case. Oh, I knew what I had to do. I walked in the doors, I had to know how everyone was faring. Meg, Madame Giry, and yes, maybe even Carlotta. I walked up the Grand Staircase, looking for someone, anyone I might have known, but alas, I found no one.

Someone entered my Opera. Someone uninvited. I've never liked visitors. I told those incompetent managers that no one who was not apart of the Opera was allowed in here unless there was a performance. And all events had been canceled until I gave them further notice. I am in a most peculiar mood at the moment; this intruder would be wise to leave now. I have not killed in several months, yet I have not lost my desire for it. Perhaps it is not worth my time or effort. I think I'll stay put here, in this cursed labyrinth. So long as they as do not stay long.
The minutes ticked by and they had not left. I began to brood. One name kept coming to me as I listened to the unwelcomed guest. Raoul. Having nothing better to do allowed myself to dwell on that impudent youth who took Christine from me. Anger and hate rose in me; I did nothing to stop it. It grew into an ugly black creature. Perhaps by some miracle of Fate, Christine had run off from the Vicomte de Chagney, and , in vain hope of finding her, he had come running here. Ignorant fool. He just walked into his death chamber.
I decided after all to see who the visitor was and I picked up the Punjab lasso on the way out.

I walked toward my old dressing room, and saw that is wasn't occupied. I walked in and saw the large mirror. I knew what I had to do.....I walked toward it and pulled the lever which brought me into his labyrinth. I picked up one of the torches and began making my way down to his home. I turned a corner and suddenly the torch went out. I was too stupid to remember candles, so I went on, hoping to get to my destination. Suddenly some one grabbed me around the waist and before I could scream, they cupped their hand over my mouth. I hoped it was Erik, and that he would figure out it was me he had grabbed or I was in big trouble!

The scene played before me in slow motion as I dragged my victim down into the black heart of my lair. When I think about it, it's strange how my captive did not struggle, except when I first grabbed it. The slight build of the person made me wonder, too. Am I making a mistake? Nonsense. Whoever this is willing walked into their death chamber.
We entered my house through means you do not need to know. Once inside, I flung my prisoner down and proceeded to light a few candles. I turned to face the figure on the floor and saw the Angel herself. NO. It was not her. Impossible. She was long gone. The wife of a vicomte. A rage such as I had rarely known came on me. I grabbed the impostor and dragged her mercilessly through my house until we came to the Angel's room. Releasing a lever, I opened the door that led to my old torture chamber. I threw her in and slammed the door.
Forgive me, Daroga, but let Persia live again.

I let out a yelp of pain as I hit the cement floor of the....the...well, I didn't know where I was! He had never shown me this room. I tensed up as I realized where I was. The torture chamber! Oh dear lord, he must not have noticed me! What will I do now? I rubbed my head. It had a huge lump on it from how I landed on the floor. This place didn't seem so bad, but I really didn't want to know if it could get worse. I screamed at the top of my lungs, just like Raoul had when he was trapped down here. I could only hope he could hear me, and realize it was me! If not, then well, I didn't even want to play out that scenario.
no answer came. Did he hear me? I fell on the floor of the dungeon, buried my hands in my lap, and cried. I tried to scream again, "ERIK!!! HELP ME!" I hope he heard me!

In was early, or late afternoon when Carla Daae's carriage pulled up to the Paris Opera House. She couldn't tell which though, early or late afternoon, she was far to tired. She paid the carriage driver and thanked him and nervously watched it pull away. It seemed like such a big step she was taking. She turned around and stared in awe of the massive theatre. She sighed deeply and started up the steps with her luggage. She stepped inside and was even more amazed by the inside of this place.
"How does Christine do this without getting lost?" Carla thought aloud. "I hope I find her soon."
And so, she went around asking about her friend, hoping to find her before it got too too late.
Finally, a janitor pointed her to Christine's dressing room. Knock, Knock. No answer. Carla turned the knob and peeped in.
"Aunt Christine??" She pushed the door open all the way. "I guess she's not here."
She walked in and set her bags down.
"I'm sure Christine would mind if I waited here until she comes back."
She removed her black hood revealing her long wavy brown hair all done up in a neat roll at the nape of her neck. She tooks the cloak and layed it over a chair and sat down fluffing out the shirt of her green dress. She then bended over and opened one of her bags and took out a small red book. It was a story by an American author named Washington Irving. The book was called
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. She found horror stories so much more romantic than the other kind. Why she didn't know. She opened the book to where she'd left off and started reading.
~Carla Daae~

I had just come from rehearsal and was going to my room to change my shoes. I walked by Christine's door, which was right next to mine, and it was wide open.
*Funny... she never keeps her door open...*
I poked my head in to find a girl in a green dress sitting in a chair reading. I had never seen her before, but *strange* she looked a bit like Christine, only younger... I wondered...
"Um... hello..." I smiled, "Are you looking for Christine Daae? This is her room... may I help you?"

Carla looked up from her book and smiled at the girl standing in the doorway.
"Oh, hello. Yes, I am looking for Christine, but she doesn't seem to be in here and me being new here I didn't want to go wondering off in this big unfamiliar place."
She stood up and extended her hand. "I'm Carla Daae', Christine is my aunt."

"Oh! I didn't know Christine had a niece! It's wonderful to meet you. I'm Meg Giry, one of Christine's friends. Please excuse my attire... this frilly little tutu... I just came from rehearsal."
I blushed. "Strange you mention it... I haven't seen Christine since early morning... I'm not sure where she is... would you come with me to find her? I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you!"

I clapped my hands together. "Great!! I would have gone by myself, but I was afraid I'd get lost."
I walked out of Christine's dressing room with Meg.
"I needed to find her to find out about my audition. My father let me come here so that I could learn to become and opera singer like my aunt. Where should we start looking? Is there anywhere she often goes?"

As we walked down the corridors I asked the girl,
"You're auditioning? Here? That is so wonderful! Christine will be so happy!"
We smiled and continued looking for her.
*Strange... Christine is usually around these halls or in her room...*
We walked to the auditorium, backstage, asked a few ballet girls if they had seen Christine, then walked to the managers office. I knocked on their door, hoping they would know Christine's whereabouts. I knew I shouldn't be, but I was starting to get concerned... I tried not to let Carla tell how I was feeling. I managed a smile.

I had to leave this place; escape this nightmare. I barely heard her terrified screams, her pleadings. It was not Christine down there. It was not.
I made my way across the lake and began to roam the cellars. Soon I realized that I had come back to the Angel's dressing room. There were voices in there. I listened. One voice belonged to little Meg Giry. The other I did not know. They were discussing Christine. I stood behind the mirror, watching them as they left.
Perhaps they knew of Christine's whereabouts. In an attempt to forget the person in my torture chamber, I decided to follow them. Besides, that Meg Giry has always been too curious for her own good. And you do know that curiosity killed the cat...

Monsieur Andre opened the door abruptly to see Meg Giry and a stranger standing before him. He grumbled,
"Meg Giry, what are you doing here? You should be at rehearsal!
He looked at the other girl, who seemed a bit intimidated by his entrance. He smiled.
"Hello, mademoiselle, are you a friend of Meg's?"
Meg made a little curtsy and said,
"Monsieur, rehearsal ended a few minutes ago. This is Christine Daae's niece, Carla, she is here to audition as a singer, but right now we're looking for Christine. That is why we came here. Have you seen her, monsieur?" She asked with a hopeful tone.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Mademoiselle Daae, but I cannot say I have seen Christine all day. So sorry I can't help you. Now, if you don't mind, I have paperwork to do. Carla, your father had written to me about your visit here, you may audition tomorrow at noon, I will have Madame Giry find a room here for you, perhaps next to Meg's room. Good day, ladies."
With that he bowed and shut the door.
Meg and Carla both looked at each other. Meg wasn't sure what to do.
"Carla... it's very strange that Christine hasn't been seen all day... I hate to worry you, but something may be wrong..." She said with a small voice. She began walking again with the little Daae girl, but walked a bit ahead.
*The Opera Ghost...*" she said under her breath, she was sure that Carla didn't hear her, but immediately became quiet. They continued searching.

Realizing my attempts to call to him were futile, I sat on the cold damp ground of the torture chamber, not knowing what to expect. He apparently could not hear me, or he was ignoring me. Maybe he really hadn't recognized me! This was going from bad to worse! I knew I should have never come here! I left him in such pain, and now I would most surely die here. Then I had an idea. He taught me how to sing, surely he would recognize that voice! I opened my mouth and tried to sing, but nothing would come out of my mouth. I was so worn out from screaming like that, I knew I couldn't possibly sing.
Being that I was already lying on the damp floor, I closed my eyes. Maybe it was a bad dream that would end when I woke up.

After searching for another ten minutes with no Christine to be found, I knew where she had to be... with the Angel... below... I couldn't tell her niece about this... that was something for Christine to tell her...
"Carla... I'm going to speak to my mother about this, she's the director of the corps de ballet, and she has... connections... she may be able to tell us where to find her... how about you stay in my room..." She opened her
dressing room door... "and finish reading your book... I'll be back in a very short while... um, if you like, you can go speak to Monsieur Andre or some of the ballet girls if I'm not back soon, all right?..."
With that I walked out the dressing room door, darted through the never-ending hallways... and finally came to Christine's room. Remembering what she had told me, I walked over her mirror, gazing through it... she had told me she had walked through it once... I reached out my slender hand and touched the glass. There wasn't anyway to get through it, I looked around for any buttons or levers... foolish as I was... but gave up the futile attempt. By now I was scared and ready to do anything to see her. I hoped she was all right. I stood back from the mirror and looked into the glass, trying to see beyond the mirror...

I've followed Meg and her little friend around in tedious circles. This was rather boring. They, or rather Meg, talked to my dear friend, Andre. But he wasn't very interested in them nor that fact that Christine was no where to be found. My mind drifted back to the stranger in my chamber but I very quickly buried it. I did learn one very interesting fact, however. Christine's sweet, little niece wanted to be an opera singer. How lovely. I wonder how Christine would react if I decided to become Carla's tutor? Now there's an idea.
Eventually (thank heavens), Meg took Carla back to her room, telling her she would go get her mother who had "connections" and might know of Christine's whereabouts. However, she never went to the ballet mistress. That makes it easier on me. I rather like Madame Giry; I don't want her involved. Instead,the dancer went to Christine's dressing room and began to feel around the mirror.
Little brat. She stood there staring into the mirror as if waiting. But for wha-?
I began to laugh maniacally as I realized what, or should I say who, she was waiting for. I haven't laughed like this since La Carlotta croaked! She wanted to go through the mirror and see where Christine had once been.
So be it. And I began to sing the old song,
"Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside..."

My eyes grew wide with fear. I screamed and quickly covered my mouth, my body trembling.
*It was him...* I backed away from the mirror as something appeared, a human form... *He isn't a ghost! He's...*
His voice was like a dream... no wonder Christine spoke of feeling hypnotized. I tried to address the Angel in the mirror, but I was too awed by his magical presence to speak. I finally managed a word...
"Angel of Music... you... you're Christine's tutor and guardian... cou...could you tell me where she is?..."
I couldn't believe what was happening to me...

I continued singing to the hypnotized girl before me and smiled morosely. Her reaction to me was so like Christine while at the same time, nothing like her. This one spoke. She wanted me to take her to Christine. She still thought I was the Angel of Music. If she only knew... What was it the someone had once called me? The Demon of Darkness? Yes, that probably fit best. But for now I would be the Angel of Music.
"I am the Angel of Music. Come to the Angel of Music."
I extended my hand toward her, reaching through the glass.
"I am the Angel of Music. Come to the Angel of Music..."

I gave a little gasp as I could feel my hand reaching out for his... I was powerless... I couldn't do anything but listen to his voice... I slowly walked forward and found myself walking through the mirror, my eyes closed as a million things took over my mind... and his voice... was truly angelic... I was too lost in his world to be afraid...

I was far too excited to stay in one place. Especially my confined little dressing room. This Opera House was too amazing for me to bear. I needed to get my mind off of it, I needed something to do or I'd faint from lack of blood flow to my brain. I finally decided to go back to Christine's room, maybe she had returned there. Once I arrived at Christine's dressing room I was surprised to find that Meg was already there, and she was not alone. I did not want to intrude upon their conversation, of course I was far too curious not to listen in. A man's voice was singing, what I couldn't tell, I could only make out the tune. It sounded like an angel singing...
"How beautiful...."
I covered my mouth, Oh dear I'd said that aloud. I hope they hadn't heard me.....

Now what? Someone else was in Christine's room; Meg's friend. Wonderful. What am I supposed to do now? Is it possible for anyone in this Opera House to mind their own business. *sigh*
Taking a firm grip on Meg's hand, she'd come too far and knew too much to leave now, I guided her through the mirror and closer to me. I would give this busybody one last chance to leave... Continuing in my song I changed the tune: "Go now. Leave. Forget what you've seen. Do not come any further. 'This is the point of no return...'"

When I woke up I was lying on the chaise in Christine's room. I had no idea how I got there. There was someone knocking on the door. I got up slowly, feeling a bit dizzy, and found Carla at the door.
"Carla! How... why?... why did you come here?"
I had no idea what had just happened to me... but a vision was slowly coming back. A voice in my mind... that wouldn't go away... There was light... then darkness... it was all I could remember. I shook my head and tried to come back to the present. I smiled at Carla, and asked,
"Did you see any more of the opera house while I was gone?"

I watched from behind the mirror as the Giry girl woke up. She wanted so badly to find Christine. Perhaps it really was she, down there in my chamber. And if it was? Didn't she know that her returning would only cause me more pain? Had I not suffered enough? Christine, why do this? You were the one who wanted the past to die.
Retreating further into the safety of the shadows, I mused over what to do about Meg. I had no desire to harm her, yet I could hardly leave her be. Carla was still in the room, but I paid no attention to her. She was not yet a threat to me and my world, but Meg was. Through the hollow wall that appeared solid I whispered in a voice for her ears only, "The Angel of Music shall return..."
Unfortunately, it looked as the Angel had no choice but to make another appearance. I would take Meg to Christine. But. Not. Just. Yet...

I laid on the floor of the torture chamber, left with nothing but thoughts of what would come of me. I tried to close my eyes and sleep, but sleep did not come. This was no bad dream, only a reality I could not escape. Raoul
had almost died here as well as the Persian. Could my death be close at hand as well? I had no idea what to think. I wanted so badly to be with Raoul at this very moment. For him to hold me and tell me it would all be okay. I wondered what Meg was doing at this very moment. Would she think to look for me? Probably not. I wondered if she knew I was gone. I hope she does soon. I don't know if I can stand this much longer.
~ Christine~

"Carla, darling, this is unusual, Christine being gone for so long... I'm worried about her... I don't know where she could be..." *though in my mind I knew but couldn't tell*
Madame Giry was walking down the hall and passed the room the two girls were in.
"Mother! Please wait a moment!" I asked the woman in black.
"Carla... I suggest that since it's so late that you go to your room... my mother will show you where it is... you should get to sleep early so you're refreshed for your audition tomorrow." I smiled.
"If you need anything please come find me or my mother... Madame Giry. Goodnight, it was lovely meeting you, sleep well... I'm sure Christine will turn up."
I tried to say with a hint of humor, but it was only to keep her from fretting...

Still watching Meg and the Daae girl, I decided to take my usual place in Box 5 for the next morning's rehearsal. I still was unsure of what to do about Meg. Surely someone would come looking for her if she turned up missing as well. I certainly would be blamed for it. Whether it was my fault or not was irrelevant. Of course the Managers were not aware I was still here.
At any rate this mess is all Christine's fault. If she had only stayed with her pretty boy viscomte we'd all be better off.
I shook my head. Christine being in my torture chamber seemed unreal. But there was no other explanation for her disappearance. I did not want to go back "home". I did not know what to d- Someone's here! My mind raced. With one fluid motion, I picked up the Punjab Lasso at my feet and had around the person's neck. This time I knew the intruder was NOT Christine...

I let out a shriek... my hand... kept the rope from my neck... though I was still in his power... ...mother was
right... I started to breathe with airy gasps as... He was here!... I hadn't been expecting him to be here!... I slowly lifted my head and looked at his face for the first time... his mask... the memory of the mirror came back in a flash... I remembered... I could barely speak...
"Angel of Music... please... spare my life... I would never have come if I knew you were here!... I beg of you..."
Tears started to run down my pale cheeks, I looked into his eyes...
"I'm only trying to find Christine!... That's the only reason I'm here!..."

Things were not supposed to happen this way! Looking sadly at the girl at my feet who only wished to know of her friend's fate, I picked her up as gently as possible and carried her down, down to my lair. Dear Meg, I'm afraid you must learn the awful truth: There is no Angel of Music, just the Angel of Death.
I don't know what to do. Even if I should take her "home" and tend to her until she has recovered from my unprecedented and heartless attack, she would only see me as a monster. I stopped and look at the pale girl in my arms. Then an idea came to me. Yes, it would have to do for now. Perhaps, Christine, and I am still not convinced it is she down there, would like some company...

I looked into his sad eyes as he held me gently in his arms...
"But... but Christine always spoke of you as the Angel of mus-"
He put a finger to my lips, not wanting me to ask any further questions on the subject. I was silent for a moment...
"Where are you taking me, Angel?... to Christine?... Do you know where she is??..." I asked, a bit frantic in my voice.
"Oh, is she all right?..."
Then there was silence as we descended deeper and deeper. Though I was frightened of my surroundings, I wasn't afraid of the Opera Ghost, if that's what he was... there was something eerie and beautiful about him... I felt strangely safe here... this was like a dream...

Madame Giry showed me to my room but she didn't stay long... I sighed, I hadn't really been worried about my aunt until this point. I hadn't seen her all day, in fact it seemed that no one had seen her today, and something about Meg's mannerisms had unnerved me. I'd read enough horror and mystery books to know that something strange was going on. Something very important was being omitted, and I was going to find out what. But how? Meg certainly wasn't going to tell me. Who else might know what skeletons were being hidden in the closets of this Opera House? Madame Giry? Manager Andre'? No, they won't tell me. But I refused to believe that there was
no rummer drafting silently through this place. Maybe some of the younger girls here...
I put on my cloak and drew the hood over my head. I probably wouldn't need it but it was fun pretending to be sneaking. I grabbed my book and put it in my pocket. I then went down to the auditorium and eventually found myself backstage. I started introducing myself, being friendly, people talked to their friends...

I ran back to my room. What was I thinking?? Wasting my time playing detective when I have an audition this morning!! As it turned out the thing that I could detected was a bunch of superstitious ballet girls and stage hands.
"Opera Ghost!! I've never heard about anything so silly."
I flung open my dressing room door and through my cape on a chair. I didn't even know what I was going to sing yet. I looked around my room.It was pretty much empty. I looked around for my bag that I kept my music in. It wasn't here!!!
"Oh no, I must have left in back in Christine's room."
I shuddered. I didn't know why, I just dreaded going back there by myself.
"No use, I have to go get my music!" I told myself. I had a nervous habit talking to myself.
I slowly walked down the dark hallways to Christine's room. The door was open and Christine was still nowhere to be seen. Big surprise!
I walked over to where I'd left my bag beside the mirror. I couldn't take my eyes off that mirror. I hadn't even noticed it before, but now, somehow it made the room seem even errier. Something about my reflections eyes seemed strange. They were too dark, too distant. As if I was staring into some black void.. I shake me head.
"Don't be silly. Just grab your stuff and go."
But as I reached down for my bag something else caught my eye. A book of music sitting on Christine's dresser. I picked it up. "Hannibal" it read.
I flipped it open to a song and began to sing it.
"Think of me,
Think of me fondly,
When we've said good-bye.
Remember me
once in while-
Please promise me
you'll try....."

She came back. Why? I watched from my place behind the mirror. She looked so like Christine. What was she doing now? She picked up the music that was sitting on Christine's dresser. No, she can't have that. It was Christine's song. History was beginning to repeat itself.
"No," I said. "Not again!"

I awoke to find myself still lying on the cold hard floor. I was still in his torture chamber. It wasn't a dream! Why? I just want to be out of here. I am so frightened of the dark. This is a very frightening place! I cant even see my hand when it is right infront of my face. I tried to scream again.
"HELP! Can anyone hear me?! Erik, please, It's Christine! ERRRRRRRIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! Erik, let me out!!"
I ran to the wall and started pounding on it. I was so frightened. I needed to get out of here before I go mad! Maybe there was someone who could hear me. Anyone.
~ Christine~

I stopped singing. The words of the song stuck in my throat and I swallowed hard to dislodge them. Someone was here! No, no, it had to have come from the next room... But it sounded so close. I looked over my shoulder to see the mirror. I shook my head and turned back around. I looked down at the book in my hands. I was trembling. I closed the book and put it back on the dresser.
"I'll stick to my own music, I think."
I grabbed my bag and ran from the room. I stood outside for a moment watching the door. Not sure of what I'd heard. Then I went down for my audition.

As I made way back to Erik's home, I heard someone screaming, it sounded like Christine.
*But it can't be.* I thought, she's with that stupid little moron, Raoul.*
As I got closer, the voice became clearer and it finally dawned on me that it was Christine. Christine was locked in the torture chamber. I ran there as quickly as I could and started to call to her.
"Christine, it's me, Kayla, can ya hear me? Are ya all right?"
~ Kayla~

Carla left the room and the music as she had found it. How stupid am I to have spoken out loud like that? Oh, well. It's of no consequence now. I returned "home" via the underground lake. I heard voices from inside. Kayla was here. No, this would not do. She would ruin things and make me change my mind. Change my mind about what though?
I entered silently the room that Kayla was in calling out to Christine. Drawing myself up to my full height I asked in a cold, severe voice,
"What do you think you're doing?!?"

I gave out a frustrated sigh and stood up, glaring at Erik with cold eyes. Unlike some people, I wasn't afraid of Erik's temper, I had seen and heard worse.
"Care to explain why you have Daae the Ditz locked up in your torture chamber?" I said with a cruel smile on my face.
Ever since she left Erik for that pitiful moron, that has been my little nick name for Christine. I had never really said that name out loud until now, and knowing Erik, I knew he would dislike it.
"As I recall, you would never do anything to harm her. Did you change your mind of a sudden and decided to punish her for leaving ya?" I still stood my ground, I wasn't afraid.
~ Kayla~

I had called out, and I heard a voice. But it was not one I recognized. It was a woman's voice. Who was that? Then I heard it....Erik....he came in..but he did not seem pleased. Then I heard her speak again....who was "Daae the Ditz"? Was she talking about me? She must be...but what in God's name was a ditz? It didn't sound good. Oh well...I had to try...this may be my only chance to get out of here...
~ Christine~

Daae the Ditz? Hmmm... And Christine calling out to me as though she actually needed me? I don't know why but I find this all highly amusing. Pardon me while I laugh. Well, what to do. What to do? For one thing, the noise must stop!
To Christine:
"Silence! It's useless trying to appease me with your incessant whining. You'll get farther keeping your head and talking civilly."
To Kayla:
"There's no need for naming calling. And your absolutely right, I would NEVER harm her." My voice rose. "And you need not remind ME that she left. Thank you kindly, little brat. There are enough reminders in this place."
I sat down regally on my "throne" and studied the defiant child before me. She thought she was so brave. Why I allow her here I'm not sure. I leaned forward in my seat, coolly and calmly.
"What are you doing here, Kayla?"

I returned to Christine's room *after my audition.* I opened the door slightly and called into it.
"Hello? Is anyone here?"
No reply. Whoever was here earlier he was gone now. I walked in. Not knowing want I was looking for, exactly, I just know the answer HAD to be here. Now both Christine and Meg had disappeared and this is the last place I saw Meg. She'd talked to someone here right before disappearing. A man... What if..? There were just one too many coincidences. But I still had no idea what to look for. I sat down and stared at the mirror.
"Okay," I said to it. As if it was going to answer. "I'm here. Tell me your secrets."

"Well, I had come to see you, but I can see that you are busy at the moment."
I said, referring the the girl locked up in the torture chamber.
"Why is she in there anyway? Don't ya think you should let her go. Sooner or later, people are going to notice that she is missing!"
I had to put some since into his head, he wasn't thinking clearly.
"Erik, I know she hurt you but please, this isn't the answer."
~ Kayla~

"You're absolutely right!" I cried, jumping up. "This isn't the answer! Because not all the players are here."
I grabbed my cane that had a death's head on top and rapped it upon the wall.
"My dear Christine," I called happily to the girl in my dungeon. "I will let you out unharmed eventually. No to worry. You're beloved Erik had not failed you yet."
I grabbed Kayla by the waist and swung her around.
"And you and I, dear child, will have a chat after I return. Oh, Kayla, what fun we will have when I come back."
"By the way, Mademoiselle Daae," I hope I didn't sound too gleeful since I knew something she did not. "Have you seen your niece, Carla, recently?"
I grabbed my cloak as I headed for the door. Before leaving I took a key from my pocket and dangled it before Kayla.
"Just a precaution, my dear," I said. "Just in case you might figure out what I am going to do and ruin the surprise."
I locked the door before stepping out. "You understand."
I left them alone and thought, Carla, your Angel of Music is on his way!

I stopped for a moment...hearing the tapping on the wall. Then he niece Carla?
How did he know about her? I stood there mouth agape, he doesn't know he couldn't possibly! I walked to where Meg sat, and said,
"Meg, how does he know Carla? You have been in the Opera more than I lately. She didn't come here did she?"
I placed a hand on my chest and stood, horrified.
"What is he planning?" I paced, waiting for Meg to say something, anything......
~ Christine~

"I met your niece, Christine, a nice girl, really... I'm afraid of what might happen if Erik appears to her... she's very curious you know... she would immediately give in to him... believe whatever he says... I do not know if he will abuse his power... Augh! Why am I in here?! What did I do?! Erik... he took me through your mirror, held me in his arms... he didn't seem angry with me... Christine! What are we going to do? Will he ever let us out?! And why are you in here? What did you do?? Has the Phantom of the Opera gone mad??...
~Meg ~

"Why did she come? I told her to stay in America...I told her it wasn't safe here...she has always been stubborn. She is like me that way. The other thing I know is that she is very gullable.....I wish I knew what he was planning....what is he going to do...."
*Carla,* I thought, if you are in my dressing room....get out...for your own sake!*
Thinking back to what Meg said,
"I don't know why I came back.....I had to know he was okay...I was in the labyrinth coming down to his house, when he grabbed me from behind lifted me up, and carried me to his house. And the next thing I knew, I was in here. He thought I was a ballet girl...I heard him, he said, 'you aren't the real Christine, she's gone...forever'
I tried to scream to him, convince him I was me, but he wouldn't listen......Thhe he left me in's been two days...I am going mad....I am so glad you are here...not that it is a good thing you are here, but I needed omeone here with know I am terrified of the dark! I think he has gone mad....he pulled you through my mirror? This is not like him! I don't like the way this is going......"
~Christine ~

I had a strange giddiness about me. I was being to get excited over the game we all would play just as soon as we had more players. I also knew that Carla was waiting for me. Why? I am the Opera Ghost. I know everything that goes on here. I also know that Carla is a chance to start over. Perhaps she will be more open-minded than Christine since she has no Raoul to poison her mind against me.
Yes, I think things will be quite interesting from here on out.

"What are we going to do?... Are you sure he doesn't know that you're his Christine?... he may be so madly in love that he doesn't want you to leave again... that's perhaps the reason you're here..."
I looked around the strange place and started to shake a little.
"Wh... why is this called the torture chamber? I don't see any... tools or machinery..."

"I can't be sure...He knows it is me. He called me 'Madamoiselle Daae' He must know....I am here because...well..I don't know...maybe he is trying to punish me. I wonder who that girl is in there."
I looked around the torture chamber.
"I think it is called this because...oh Raoul told me why...Oh yes. There are mirrors in here...its all an optical illusion. If Erik, turns the lights on, the light will bounce off the mirrors and will make it deathly hot in here. Raoul and that Persian gentleman almost died in here. But I think we will be okay as long as he doesn't turn on the
Finally madness took over me and I screamed again..
No answer....I burst into tears again.... "We are never getting out of here...why is he being so
cruel?...I wish I knew what he had in store for us.....He is so uinpredictable"

"Christine! Don't cry...Oh, darling, we've been through so much, you cannot give up now!"
I wiped the tears from my friend's eyes and gave Christine a hug. I looked into her eyes and gave her a reassuring smile.
"We'll get through this... Erik will come back... we just need to hang on... and hope that he didn't place us here intentionally... I KNOW that he didn't, Christine! He still loves you dearly! Now, let's stop being little girls and find a way out of this place!"
Meg began searching the mirrored walls for a lever, a switch, anything!
*Please... let there be a way out!...*

"Meg, I can't be so sure....he didn't do this purposefully. I think he wanted revenge... And now he will have it at Carla's expense. I know that he is doing this on purpose. I just know it."
I joined in and helped Meg. But then I thought aloud,
"Meg, there is no way out from the inside. Erik told me he designed it so that it can only be opened from the outside. We will just have to wait...for him...We will have to be pawns in his game."
I gave Meg this hopeless look. " Let's just sit and wait. It is all we can do!"

I sighed and shook my head as I watched Erik disappear into the darkness. When I knew for sure that he was gone, I smiled and took something out of my pocket.
"Oh Erik, have you already forgotten that I use to be a thief and that a thief never goes anywhere without a lock pick."
I went the dungeon door and after some time, I finally unlocked the door. Without hesitation, I pulled both Christine and another woman out and quickly threw two black cloaks at them.
"You two hurry up and get outta here. There's a carriage outside and a girl by it named Faith. Find somewhere to go and don't tell anyone except for Faith where your going. And don't worry about Carla, Madam Daae, I'll see to it that she's all right. Faith will tell me where you are and I'll send Carla there, now go."
I quickly unlocked the other door and ran out of Erik's home and quickly made my way to Christine's dressing room, not even to bother looking to see if the two ladies left.

As I made my way up, I couldn't help but think about the relationship Erik and I once had. We use to get along so well and I could tell him anything, he was like the father I never had. But now, ever since Daae the Ditz came along, things changed between us and deep, deep down, I know he has forgotten about our friendship and no longer cares for me.
I finally arrived at the door of Christine's dressing room, hoping to God that Carla would be there. I knocked on the door and called,
"Carla, Carla Daae, are you in there? I have some information on your Aunt Christine Daae. Please, if your in there, come with me, it is of great importance."
~ Kayla~

The giddy feeling ceased. Something was not right. I drew back into the shadows and waited. The walls bore the echo of voices far way. They told me of the goings on in the Opera. But something was amiss. I changed my course and headed for the outside world. I scanned the surroundings not sure what I was looking for. There! That carriage. It did not to belong to anyone from the Opera.
Approaching the carriage, I called to the driver in a disguised voice.
"I beg your pardon, Mademoiselle, can I help you?"
"No, thank you, Monsieur," came the reply. "I was told not to speak to those I did not know."
"Naturally," I said. "But, Mademoiselle, I am Monsieur Firmin, one of the Opera Populaire managers. Who are you looking for?"
"Oh, I am sorry, Monsieur. I have never seen the managers before and did not recognize you. I am here for a Mademoiselle Christine Daae to take her to a place of safe-keeping."
Daae?!? Rage flooded through me. There was only one person who could be responsible for this. KAYLA!
"Thank you, Mademoiselle. You've been most helpful."
I quickly left. Kayla. Why? You said I was like a father to you. You said- You lied. You lied just as Christine did! You betrayed me!
So it is to be war between us. So be it! You will curse this day. You do not do this to the Phantom!
I saw two figures cloaked in black near the exit where I stood. Neither saw me. Yet I saw that it was Daae and Giry.
They were very close and still had not noticed me. So I said:
"Good evening, Mademoiselles. Going somewhere?"

"ACK!!" I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of the strange woman's voice. Not being the gullible girl that I had once been, thanks to my reading, I was not about to follow some strange who claimed to know my aunt.
"Who are you? How do I know you really know my Aunt? What's so important??"
I stood holding on to my chair for support, not venturing too close to the door.

"I was just with her a few minutes ago, I know her friend, Meg Giry. Please, this is important, your aunt is in danger, I swear to you, I'm not here to hurt you, but I know someone who is on his way to try and kidnap you. He might claim he is your Angel of Music. Please, I beg of you, I know you do not know me, but you have to trust me, please!"
I begged Carla through the other side of the door, praying she would believe me.
~ Kayla~

"'Angel of Music?'" A nursery rhyme from my childhood came back to me.
"'Little Lotte.' All right, I believe you. But who is this man who would come here for me. Why? Where is my aunt?? I want some answers!!"
I was afraid now. Trembling and heart racing. I wished that I had listened to Aunt Christine now, I wished that I'd stayed in America. I suddenly felt woozy. My dress was cutting off oxygen to my brain.
"Please... I need some answers now... or I fear I'm just going to faint!"

"It is a bit hard to explain and it is a very long story. I'll tell once we get to a safe stop, I swear, just please come with me, there's a carriage waiting outside to take us away. Please, I beg of you, it is for your protection and your Aunt Christine's safety."
My friend Henry was waiting at another carriage for me a Carla. I had told him that he should tell no one, not even the managers, who he was, who he was waiting for, and why he had come. The only way he would tell anyone that is if that person said my full name. Not just first name and last name, I did have a middle name and no one but me and Henry knew what it was. So far, if Carla agreed to go, my plan would be flawless.
~ Kayla~

"Alright, I'm coming." I let go of the chair and ran to the door but still I hesitated to open it. Is this how it's going to be from now on? I asked myself. Did I have another choice? Would it be safer to stay and wait for a self proclaimed Angel or to forever run from it? Could I run from it, or was that futile? No, I needed time. I will face this when I'm ready, but first I needed to see my aunt and to get answers to my questions. I opened the door.
"Where are we going to go?"